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Malle gikk alltid sin egen vei og var aldri redd for kontroverser. Her er det saften og kraften, der understreges. Filmen vandt guldløven for bedste film ved , og i Danmark fik den i 1989.
Filmen vandt Juryens Specialpris i Venedig i 1958. The result was the return of. Paperback, Universal Publications 1959 Faktisk må man sige, at utroskab som tema forgrener sig ud i alle pulpens genrer og afskygninger.
Nylig aktivitet: - Filmen vandt Juryens Specialpris i Venedig i 1958.
Paperback, Beacon Books 1958 Så er det blevet tid til et nyt kig på forsiderne fra pulpens fascinerende verden. Denne gang er det utroskab, der skal tematiseres. Og jeg kan vist roligt konstatere, at dette måske er det mest udbredte og omsiggribende tema, som jeg indtil videre har behandlet her på bloggen. Paperback, Universal Publications 1959 Faktisk må man sige, at utroskab som tema forgrener sig ud i alle pulpens genrer og afskygninger. Her har jeg valgt at fokusere på det indestængte, det aggressive og seksuelle i utroskaben. Jeg har forsøgt at finde ind til emnets kerne og udeladt en hel del festlige forgreninger, som vi kan se nærmere på en anden gang. Confessions, maj 1956 Der kan gøres nogle interessante iagttagelser omkring iscenesættelsen af utroskab, når vi ser på pulpbøgernes forsider. Først og fremmest er det bemærkelsesværdigt, hvor mange af forsiderne der fokuserer på tosomhedens isolerede passion. Vi ser kun de to hovedpersoner i heftig omfavnelse, mens resten af verden fortoner sig ud i en sløret dis. Passionens eskapistiske kvaliteter synes derved understreget, men måske ligger der også noget alarmerende i dette tunnelsyn. For gemmer der sig ikke usete konsekvenser bag de elskende, som vi ikke kan se? Vi ved jo, at de har krydset grænsen ind i det socialt uacceptable, hvilket uvægerlig vil få voldsomme konsekvenser — sådan er det jo altid i pulpens verden. Paperback, Signet Books 1960 Det moralsk fordømmende bliver faktisk ikke fremhævet specielt stærkt i selve billederne. Her er det saften og kraften, der understreges. Vi kan endda tale om en særlig ikonografi for dette. Manden og kvinden sidder mere eller mindre afklædte i tæt favntag, han begraver ansigtet i hendes skulder og hals, mens hun vender blikket op med lukkede øjne. Paperback, All Star Books 1963 De indestængte slippes løs her, og bogens elskende giver for et øjeblik pokker i alt omkring dem. Man fornemmer, at det netop er det forbudte ved deres forhold, der leverer drivstoffet til elskovens intensitet. Dette modstilles imidlertid i de små appetitvækkere, der ledsager forsiderne, hvor damoklessværdet over de elskende udpensles. Paperback, Saber Books 1963 Jeg vil også mene, at man ser en hel del socialgysen i forsiderne. Billederne og bøgernes titler spiller ganske enkelt på jalousiens gustne harpe. Kvinder, navnlig forstædernes hjemmegående husmødre, fremstilles som forsømte skabninger parate til at kaste sig i armene på hvem end, der måtte byde sig til. Paperback, Saber Books 1960 Det, jeg imidlertid er mest optaget af ved billederne her, er deres formidable, hedonistiske dyrkelse af passionen og passionens skyggesider. Der ligger stof til masser af horrorromaner her, for begynder gyset ikke netop der, hvor disse romaner og billeder stopper? Der hvor lyster bliver sluppet fri, og vi åbner op for alle de dunkle drifter. Begær, liderlighed, magtsyge, vrede og alt mulig andet gemmer sig i de elskendes slagskygger og skaber mulighed for nye, dramatiske fortællinger. Og husk nu — snyd ikke dig selv for forsidernes små tekster!
You Bet Your Life: Secret Word - Door / Paper / Fire
Filmen er en af de første til at bruge undervandsfotografi til at vise havets dyb i farver. Archived from on May 17, 2011. Nina's constant talk of Maggy and Raoul leads to Henri demanding that Jeanne invite them to dinner and to stay as overnight guests. I ask General de Gaulle to confer with the head of state and to examine with him what, in the framework of Republican legality, is prime for the immediate formation of a government of national safety and what can be done, in a fairly short time, for a deep reform of our institutions. The Lovers : Les amants is a 1958 French directed by and starring, and. On 13 May right-wing jesus seized power in Algiers and called for a Government of Public Safety under General. Confessions, maj 1956 De elskende 1958 kan gøres nogle interessante iagttagelser omkring iscenesættelsen af utroskab, når vi ser på pulpbøgernes forsider. Louis Malle blev i 1980 gift med den amerikanske skuespiller Candice Bergen f. De Gaulle's between formed cabinet was approved by the National Assembly on 1 June 1958, by 329 votes against 224, while he was granted the power to govern by for a six-month period as well as the task de elskende 1958 draft a new Constitution. By the time they get back, Maggy and Raoul have already met at the mansion. Clandestinely, they spend the night together. Moreau skildrer kvindens seksualitet på en delikat og afdæmpet facon, som efterfølgende gav Moreau stjernestatus og gjorde hende kendt verden over.
Kosa mi je Plava, a boja očiju Plava. Tu ćete naći I pročitati mnogo korisnih saveta, uputa o tome zašto je brak važan, da li je još uvek u modi, o zajedničkom životu, zašto je uprkos svim trendovima I porastu broja razvoda dobro živeti u dvoje, zajednički razgovori pre braka o budućnosti, finansijama, prijateljstvu, seksu, zdravlju I poštovanju, … da li postoji idealan muškarac, ZA MUŠKARCE — IDEALNA ŽENA , kako znati da je on taj pravi, kako ga , , naterati na brak, šta žene misle o braku, top 10 razlika između muškarca I žene , … I još što šta tj. Јако лепa плавуша, жели упознати успешног мушкарца. Tražim muškarca za intimno druženje.
Tražim muškarca za brak. Po zanimanju je kuvarica. Za više detalja pogledaj moj.
Upoznavanje radi braka - Kako se postaje fatalna žena?
Tražim devojku za letovanje. Tražim devojku za putovanje. Tražim muškarca za putovanje. Tražim muškarca za vezu. Tražim muškarca za brak. Tražim muškarca za fiktivni brak. Tražim muškarca za letovanje. Tražim ženu za intimno druženje. Tražim devojku za intimno druženje. Tražim muškarca za intimno druženje. Albanke koje bi se udale za srbe. Besplatni oglasi za upoznavanje. Galantni gospodin traži devojku. Tražim muškarca za brak. Kako se postaje fatalna žena? Ljubavna pravila za žene. Ljubavna pravila za muškarce. Kakve žene vole muškarci? Kakve žene obožavaju muškarci? Šta treba da se zna u vezi ljubavi. Tražim devojku za letovanje. Tražim devojku za putovanje. Tražim muškarca za putovanje. Tražim muškarca za vezu. Tražim muškarca za brak. Tražim muškarca za fiktivni brak. Tražim muškarca za letovanje. Tražim ženu za intimno druženje. Tražim devojku za intimno druženje. Tražim muškarca za intimno druženje. Albanke koje bi se udale za srbe. Besplatni oglasi za upoznavanje. Galantni gospodin traži devojku. Tražim muškarca za brak. Kako se postaje fatalna žena? Ljubavna pravila za žene. Ljubavna pravila za muškarce. Kakve žene vole muškarci? Kakve žene obožavaju muškarci? Šta treba da se zna u vezi ljubavi. Tražim devojku za letovanje. Tražim devojku za putovanje. Tražim muškarca za putovanje. Tražim muškarca za vezu. Tražim muškarca za brak. Tražim muškarca za fiktivni brak. Tražim muškarca za letovanje. Tražim ženu za intimno druženje. Tražim devojku za intimno druženje. Tražim muškarca za intimno druženje. Albanke koje bi se udale za srbe. Besplatni oglasi za upoznavanje. Galantni gospodin traži devojku. Tražim muškarca za brak. Kako se postaje fatalna žena? Ljubavna pravila za žene. Ljubavna pravila za muškarce. Kakve žene vole muškarci? Kakve žene obožavaju muškarci? Šta treba da se zna u vezi ljubavi. Tražim devojku za letovanje. Tražim devojku za putovanje. Tražim muškarca za putovanje. Tražim muškarca za vezu. Tražim muškarca za brak. Tražim muškarca za fiktivni brak. Tražim muškarca za letovanje. Tražim ženu za intimno druženje. Tražim devojku za intimno druženje. Tražim muškarca za intimno druženje. Albanke koje bi se udale za srbe. Besplatni oglasi za upoznavanje. Galantni gospodin traži devojku. Tražim muškarca za brak. Kako se postaje fatalna žena? Ljubavna pravila za žene. Ljubavna pravila za muškarce. Kakve žene vole muškarci? Kakve žene obožavaju muškarci? Šta treba da se zna u vezi ljubavi. Образована културна и дискретна дама, жели друштво озбиљног и културног мушкарца. Уз нашу помоћ, пронађите друга за цео живот. Позовите и закажите бесплатан разговор у нашој канцеларији. Избор партнера, упознавање, дружење, озбиљна веза и брак. Радно време: Понедељак -петак од 10:00 до 18:00 часова. Јако лепa плавуша, жели упознати успешног мушкарца. Уз нашу помоћ, пронађите друга за цео живот. Позовите и закажите бесплатан разговор у нашој канцеларији. Избор партнера, упознавање, дружење, озбиљна веза и брак. Радно време: Понедељак -петак од 10:00 до 18:00 часова. POGLEDAJTE poslednju sliku koju sam skinuo sa neta i videete da je cena ovve jakne u radnji 16990 din tj 10000 din skuplja od cene koju trazim tako da sto se cene tice ona je fixnajakna je vodootporna i iznutra debelo postavljena. Жели познанство здравог мушкарца за везу и дружење. Предност Београд и Нови Сад. Уз нашу помоћ, пронађите друга за цео живот. Позовите и закажите бесплатан разговор у нашој канцеларији. Избор партнера, упознавање, дружење, озбиљна веза и брак. Радно време: пон -петак од 10:00 до 18:00 ч. Жели пронаћи згодног и вредног мушкарца средњих година за дружење и нешто више. Предност Београд и Нови Сад. Уз нашу помоћ, пронађите друга за цео живот. Избор партнера, упознавање, дружење, озбиљна веза и брак. Радно време: пон -петак од 10:00 до 18:00 ч. Жели креативног и допадљивог мушкарца. Уз нашу помоћ, пронађите друга за цео живот. Позовите и закажите бесплатан разговор у нашој канцеларији. Избор партнера, упознавање, дружење, озбиљна веза и брак. Радно време: Пон - петак од 10 до 13 часова. Оставите писану поруку како би смо ступили у контакт. Oženime, bre oženiću te — vodič za one koje ne žele brak Povez: mek Br. Zamišljene kao edukativno-zabavne namenjene su svima koji imaju želju da upotpune svoje znanje o životu, ljubavi I unaprede svoj duhovni I emotivni život. Tu ćete naći I pročitati mnogo korisnih saveta, uputa o tome zašto je brak važan, da li je još uvek u modi, o zajedničkom životu, zašto je uprkos svim trendovima I porastu broja razvoda dobro živeti u dvoje, zajednički razgovori pre braka o budućnosti, finansijama, prijateljstvu, seksu, zdravlju I poštovanju, … da li postoji idealan muškarac, ZA MUŠKARCE — IDEALNA ŽENA , kako znati da je on taj pravi, kako ga , , naterati na brak, šta žene misle o braku, top 10 razlika između muškarca I žene , … I još što šta tj. Tražim devojku za letovanje. Tražim devojku za putovanje. Tražim muškarca za putovanje. Tražim muškarca za vezu. Tražim muškarca za brak. Tražim muškarca za fiktivni brak. Tražim muškarca za letovanje. Tražim ženu za intimno druženje. Tražim devojku za intimno druženje. Tražim muškarca za intimno druženje. Albanke koje bi se udale za srbe. Besplatni oglasi za upoznavanje. Galantni gospodin traži devojku. Tražim muškarca za brak. Kako se postaje fatalna žena? Ljubavna pravila za žene. Ljubavna pravila za muškarce. Kakve žene vole muškarci? Kakve žene obožavaju muškarci? Šta treba da se zna u vezi ljubavi.
Tražim normalnog dečka!
Postavite svoj oglas ili kontaktirajte osobe koje su to već učinile. Tražim devojku za intimno druženje. Tražim muškarca za letovanje. Evo, kraj je godine, a nama je lepo kao i prvog dana. Kakve žene u muškarci. Tražim muškarca za fiktivni brak. Ljubavna pravila za muškarce. Oglasi lične prirode za upoznavanje devojaka i dama zarad ozbiljne veze. Уз нашу помоћ, пронађите друга за цео живот. Tražim muškarca za brak. Kako se postaje fatalna žena?.
Cherished by her grandchildren Michelle and Craig, Jacob, Caleb, Shira, Josiah, Annika, Willem-Jan, Cohen, Moriah, Abigail, Esther and Shane, Andrew, Michael, Albert and great-grandchild Sawyer. Cherished brother of Gord and his wife Fran Sackrider; of Burgessville, ON.
Beloved wife of the late Lloyd Thompson 1994 and Robert Sanderson 2000. Predeceased by her husband Alf in 2002. Cherished by his grandparents Linda and Carl Visser, Shirley Maas and Mariola and Zdzislaw Maslanka.
- Interment at Norwich Cemetery.
Contact Us: The Arn-Lockie Funeral Home 45 Main St. Beloved hsuband of 56 years to Edith nee Becker. Cherished by his grandchildren Matt and Amanda Roberts, Colin Roberts Mel Butyn , Jonathan and Megan Avey, Andrew and Chelsie Avey, Aaron Avey, and great-grandchildren Alannah Roberts, Ella, Lauren, Madilyn, Elyssa and Hannah Avey. Jim is survived by his sisters Shirley and Keith Gear, Marilyn and Harvey Murray and Karen and Bob Aiken. Jim will be dearly missed by his brothers-in-law Stan and Eileen Hess, sister-in-law Audrey Zaiser, Charles and Jan Becker, Don Thompson, and several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by his sister Joan Thompson, sister-in-law Helen Hess and brother-in-law Harold Zaiser. Jim was an employee of the Norwich Township from 1973-1994. He and Edith were the owner, operators of the Avey greenhouse for over 40 years. Funeral service will be held at the Church at 11 am. Reverend Lola Mather-Dyer to officiate. Interment at the New Dundee Cemetery. Donations in memory of Jim, may be made to the Alzheimer Society, Canadian Cancer Society or the Epilepsy Foundation. To SACKRIDER Fred Lloyd ~ Peacefully, after a brief illness, at the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital, on Wednesday, June 6, 2018, in his 69 th year, Fred Sackrider of Burgessville, Ontario. Beloved husband of the late Violet nee Adams 2016. Cherished brother of Gord and his wife Fran Sackrider; of Burgessville, ON. Dear friend of Joan Haskell. Predeceased by his parents Dorothy and Lloyd Sackrider. Fred was the feed truck driver for the co-op for over 42 years. He loved his work, customers and the farming industry. This passion carried over to his family farm, tractors and loving family. Family and friends will be received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Saturday, June 9, 2018 from 5-8 pm, Sunday 2-4 and 7-9 pm, and Monday, June 11, 2018 at the Norwich United Church, 80 Main Street West, Norwich, On from 10-11 am. Funeral service will be held at the church at 11 am, with Lori Minler officiating. Interment at the Burgessville Baptist Cemetery. Donations in memory of Fred, may be made to the Sakura House or the Norwich United Church. To MAAS Tyrell Alexander Jacob ~ Suddenly, at his home, on Monday, June 4, 2018, in his 18 th year, Tyrell Maas. Loved by his mother Jodi Visser and step dad Lukasz Maslanka and father Jody Maas. Loving brother of Katelyn, Claudia, Lukas, Mikayla and Malaiya. Cherished by his grandparents Linda and Carl Visser, Shirley Maas and Mariola and Zdzislaw Maslanka. Adored nephew of Mark and Ginette Visser, Anne-Elise Visser, Paul and Kat Visser, Karin Visser, Justin Visser, Danielle Visser, Julie and Tom Batson, Chris and Candace Maas, Anissa Maas, Adam and Sam Maas, Nikki and Jeremy Gillespie, Shannon and Brandon Maas, Derek Maas, Ben and Jen Maas, Paulina Maslanka and Ryan Dobson and Karolina Maslanka. Tyrell will be dearly missed by his many cousins and friends. Predeceased by his grandfather Theodore Maas and great-grandmother Dorothy Crawford. Funeral service will be held at the church at 1:30 pm, with Pastor Emma Johnston officiating. Interment at the Burgessville Baptist Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Tyrell, may be made to the Oxford County Pride. To BOUCHARD ROBERTS Isabel ~ Peacefully, at the Woodingford Lodge — Woodstock, on Monday, May 21, 2018, in her 88 th year. Loving mother of William Chris Roberts, Mark Roberts and Glen Leama Roberts. Cherished by her 4 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Isabel will be missed by her brother Ross Carolyn Walton, sister Joan Jack Fischer and nieces and a nephew. Predeceased by her husband Reg and sister Ruth Melroy Coleman. Family and friends will be received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Monday, May 28, 2018 from 1-3 pm. A memorial service will be held at the funeral home at 3 pm. Cremation will have taken place. Donations in memory of Isabel, may be made to the Alzheimer Society. To ALYEA Anne ~ Peacefully, with her family by her side, on Tuesday, May 15, 2018, at the Woodstock General Hospital, in her 59 th year. Beloved wife of Brad Alyea. Loving mother of Brendan Durkin and his wife Colleen, Sheldon Durkin and his wife Patricia, Gaylen Durkin and Dan Alyea and his wife Meaghan. Cherished by her grandchildren Serena, Hannah, Kaitlyn and Christopher. Anne will be dearly missed by her father Alfred Locicero, brothers John Elizabeth and Bob Linda. Predeceased by her mother Carmen Locicero, husband Brian Durkin and nephew William. Family and friends will be received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Thursday, May 17, 2018 from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p. Memorial Mass will be held Friday, May 18, 2018 at 10 a. Cremation will have taken place. In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Anne, may be made to the Woodstock General Hospital. To THOMPSON Marion ~ Peacefully, at the Caressant Care — Courtland, on Thursday, May 10, 2018, in her 93 rd year. Beloved wife of the late Lloyd Thompson 1994 and Robert Sanderson 2000. Loving mother of Rob and his wife Betty, of Delhi; George and his wife Gayle, of Port Rowan and Ed Brie Thompson, of Brantford. Predeceased by her daughter Edna and her husband David Chambers. Marion was cherished by her 12 grandchildren and their spouses, 16 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren. Marion was a vigilant member of the Rebekah Lodge 158, of Norwich and the Burgessville United Church. Family and friends will be received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Saturday, May 12, 2018, from 11:30-1 p. Funeral service will be held at the funeral home at 1 p. Interment at the New Durham cemetery. To ARCHIBALD Margaret ~ Peacefully, on Monday, April 30, 2018, at the Woodstock Hospital, in her 84 th year, Margaret Archibald nee Moss. Beloved wife of Jim Archibald. Loving mother of Lindsay and his wife Laurie, Peter and his wife Roxanne and William and the late Rosemary Archibald. Cherished by her grandchildren Meghan, Michelle, Natalie and Seann. Survived by her brother William Moss and sister Mary Anne Sheppard. Funeral service will be held at the church at 11 am. Reverend Sydney Elias to officiate. A private family interment. Donations in memory of Margaret may be made to the Norwich United Church or the Parkinson Society, would be appreciated. To DOUGLAS Martie ~ Peacefully, with her family by her side, at the Sakura House, on Friday, April 13, 2018, in her 67 th year, Martie Douglas. Beloved wife for over 42 years, to Elmer Douglas, of Norwich, ON. Loving mother of Lori Hutson and her husband Steve, of Ingersoll, ON and Leisa Howard and her husband Joseph, of Washington, D. Cherished by her grandchildren Brynn, Mason, Kyra, Arabella, Josie, Joey and Kaden. Survived by her sisters Margaret Don , Helen Terry and Donna Lonnie. Martie will be dearly missed by her nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts and uncles. Predeceased by her mother Anne Ferguson, sisters Diane and Shirley, brothers Tom and Donnie. Family and friends will be received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Monday, April 16, 2018 from 7-9 pm and Tuesday from 10 — 10:45 am. A memorial service to follow at the funeral home at 11 am, with Pastor Jamie Paton officiating. Cremation will have taken place. Donations in memory of Martie, may be made to the Sakura House. To PALMER Emily Clara Belle ~ Peacefully at Caressant Care Nursing Home, Woodstock, on Wednesday, April 11, 2018, Belle Palmer, formerly of Norwich, in her 92 nd year. Beloved wife of the late Rettie Palmer 2009. Dear mother of Jim of RR3 Norwich, Clare Laurie of London, Gail Jackson Jim of RR1, Norwich, Neil Carol of RR1, St. George, and Gary Robin of Sault Ste. Fondly remembered by her grandchildren Jenny Weitzel Dave , Kate Jackson, Dave Jackson Kate Adams and Ruth Shaidle Chris , Rebecca and Laura Palmer, Michael, Alanna and Tatyana Palmer. Also remembered by great-grandchildren Andrew, Emma and Gracie Weitzel. Dear sister of Meta Avey the late Clarence of Tillsonburg, Nene Lott the late Russell of Guelph, Nan Lazenby of London, and Ruth LaFlair Ron of Sarnia. Survived by numerous nieces and nephews. Predeceased by her sister-in-law, Ruth Cohoe. As a long standing member of Norwich Baptist Church, she served as both clerk and organist for 40 years. Pastor Simeon Oram to officiate. Cremation has taken place. In Belle's memory, donations to Norwich Baptist Church Development Fund , Norwich Museum or the charity of choice, would be appreciated by the family. To MOL-VLOT Willemijntje Louise ~ The Lord in His infinite wisdom has taken from us our dearly beloved wife and deeply caring mother, grandmother and great-grandmother on April 6, 2018. Beloved wife of Aalbert Mol, of Otterville, ON. Loving mother of Jan and Carolyn Mol, of Woodstock, ON; Theo and Rachel Mol, of Portage, Michigan, U. Cherished by her grandchildren Michelle and Craig, Jacob, Caleb, Shira, Josiah, Annika, Willem-Jan, Cohen, Moriah, Abigail, Esther and Shane, Andrew, Michael, Albert and great-grandchild Sawyer. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON, on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 from 7- 9 p. Interment at the Otterville Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Willemijntje, may be made to the Netherlands Reformed Congregation. To PORCHAK Betty ~ Peacefully, at the Tillsonburg District Hospital, on Thursday, March 29, 2018, in her 86 th year. Beloved wife of the late Wayne Nickerson and Peter Porchak. Dear friend of the late Bill Pegg. Loving mother of Linda Pinchak and her late husband Peter, Margaret Cole and her late husband Paul and Gary Nickerson and his wife Cindy. Cherished by her grandchildren Heather Paul Mott, Rhonda Nickerson, Robert Nickerson, Matthew Pinchak and her great-grandchildren Chase, Emmaleigh, Addison and Jacob. Survived by her sister Caroline Ward and her late husband John. Betty will be missed by many nieces, nephews and friends. Predeceased by her parents Mary and Clifford Wilson, sons Jerry and Rick Nickerson, grandchildren Peter and Wayne, sister Marie Ken Murray and brother Clifford Alma Wilson. Funeral services was held on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 11 am at the funeral home. Interment at Eden Cemetery. Donations in memory of Betty, may be made to the charity of choice. To NAISBITT Shirley ~ Peacefully, at the Secord Trails Care Community, Ingersoll, ON, on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, in her 87 th year. Loving mother of Heather Burd and her late husband Keith and Debbie and her husband Alex Fischer. Cherished by her grandchildren Al Aga Fischer, Sarah Richard Spooner and Gwyneth and Evan Fischer; and her 5 great-grandchildren. Predeceased by her son Kim Wilson Naisbitt. Arrangements entrusted to the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, Norwich, ON, 519-863-3020. To ROBERTS John David ~ Suddenly, at his home, on Sunday, March 11, 2018, in his 83 rd year, John Roberts. Beloved husband of 62 years to Betty nee Neufeld , of Norwich. Loving father of Brenda and Brian Knott, Kathy Mitchell and Dave Shelly, Mary and Glen Mitchell and David and Judi Roberts. Cherished by his 6 grandchildren, 7 great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Survived by his mother Kathleen Roberts, sisters Marjorie Rob , Betty Roy and Barb Robert. Predeceased by his parents Fred and Jean Roberts. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-963-3020, on Friday, March 16 th, 2018 from 2-4 and 7-9 p. Masonic service was held at the funeral home on Friday at 6:30 p. Funeral service was held at 11 am on Saturday, March 17, 2018, with Reverend Sydney Elias officiating. To PROUSE Jane ~ Peacefully at home, surrounded by her loving family, on Thursday, March 8, 2018, in her 66th year, Jane Prouse, loving mother of Kristen and her husband Shawn Gear; of Burgessville. Adored by her grandchildren Ruby, Maddie and Mason. Cherished by her sisters Julie and her husband Brent Penny; of Norwich and Jill and her husband Rick Richardson; of Otterville. Special Aunt Jane to Deanne, Jarrin, Janelle, Aleisha, Mandy, Bryan and their families. Dear friend of Sean Gardner. Predeceased by her parents Eva and Mose Farrell. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Monday, March 12, 2018 from 2-4 and 7-9 pm, and Tuesday from 10-10:45 am. Funeral service was held at the funeral home on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 11 am, with Reverend Sydney Elias officiating. Cremation will have taken place. Donations in memory of Jane, may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society, Make-A- Wish Foundation or charity of your choice. To ZIMMER Harold Billy Earl ~ Peacefully, at the Dulcina Hospice, Calgary, Alberta, on Wednesday, February 28, 2018, in his 81 st year, Bill Zimmer. Beloved husband to Barbara nee Ryckman. Loving father of Jim and Becky; of Calgary, Alberta, and Scott Zimmer and Terri Watson; of Woodstock, Ontario. Cherished by his grandchildren Joshua, Jennifer, Kayla, Cody, Zachary, Lainy, Katie and great-grandchildren Peyton, Taelynn and Jaxx Zimmer. Predeceased by his parents Ola and Clarence, brother Leonard and sister Mary Jane. He was a caring, passionate and devoted husband, amazing dad, loving grandfather and great-grandfather, respected foreman, expert euchre player, and long-suffering Leafs fan. He was employed by the County of Oxford for 30 years, retiring in 1994 to Alberta with Barbara where they resided happily for close to 25 years. Funeral service was held at the funeral home, on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 11 am. Spring internment at the Norwich Cemetery. Donations in memory of Bill can be made to Hospice Calgary at. Online condolences may be made at www. Beloved and devoted husband for 66 years to Helen nee Matthews. Loving father of Matthew and his wife Louise of Port Dover, Reid and his wife Kim of Chatham and Liz of Norwich. Proud grandfather of Kurt Amanda , Nick, Craig Jordan , Aaron, Kelly and Alexis. Great-grandfather of Brynlee, Rosemary, Warner and Crew. Predeceased by his parents Gilbert and Annie, brothers Jack, Milt, Jim, Bud, Mac and sister Mildred Slater. Bill was a staunch supporter of the community both professionally through the business he ran for 68 years and personally, sitting on municipal council, serving as Deputy Governor and life member of the Lions club for 65 years and a longtime member of the curling club. Funeral service was held Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 1pm, at the Otterville Anglican Church, 23 Dover Street, Otterville, On. Spring interment at the Norwich Cemetery. Donations in memory of Bill, may be made to the Otterville Anglican Church or Sakura House. To SOMMER Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10a Danielle Josephine ~ To our deep sorrow, it has pleased the Lord to take out of our midst our dearly beloved daughter, sister, girlfriend and granddaughter. September 30, 1995 - February 15, 2018, at the age of 22 years. Beloved daughter of Gary and Ria Sommer Nieuwenhuis. Sister of Heidi and Arlen Klyn, Marianne and Jason Timmermans, Sharon and Daniel Rietveld, Kurt Sommer and Sarah Noorduyn, Jade Sommer and James Van Wyk, Jodie Sommer and Brandon Adams, Vince Sommer. Girlfriend of Jeremy Ryksen. Aunt of Abigail, Charlotte, Bethany, Josephine and Eve. Granddaughter of Hendrika Nieuwenhuis, Bill and Marion Sommer. Family and friends wree received at the Netherlands Reformed Congregation, 43 Main Street East, Norwich, ON, Saturday, February 17, 2018 at 1:30-4:00 P. Funeral service was held at the Netherlands Reformed Congregation, Norwich, ON, on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 10:30 A. Interment to follow at the Bookton Cemetery. To KRAAYEVELD Adriaantje Kraayeveld of Burgessville, ON passed away at the Ingersoll Hospital, on Sunday, February 11, 2018, in her 87th year. She was the beloved wife of the late Peter Kraayeveld 2013 , dear mother of Annie Versteeg and her husband Albert, of Norwich; Joyce Maaskant and her husband Eric, of Norwich and Mary Lindhout and her husband Jeff, of Chilliwack, B. Memories of her are cherished by her 16 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. She is survived by her 2 sisters and 1 sister-in-law and predeceased by her brother and brother-in-law. Family and friends wree received at the REFORMED CONGREGATION in NORTH AMERICA — OTTERVILLE, 318 Main Street, Otterville, ON, Wednesday, February 14, 2018 from 7-9 p. The funeral service was held at the church at 11 a. Spring interment at the Burgessville Baptist Cemetery. As expressions of sympathy, donations to Bethany Care Home, Norwich or Rehoboth Christian School, Norwich will be appreciated. To HANSFORD Audrey Doreen ~ On Tuesday February 6 th, 2018 at Norfolk General Hospital, Doreen Hansford went home to be with her Lord. She died in her 92 nd year after living a full and rich life. Doreen was pre-deceased by husband John Trevett Hansford 1997 and son Robert John Hansford 2006. Survived by one brother Robert Georgina Longworth of Norwich and many neices and nephews. Will be sadly missed by sons William Cheryl of Delhi, David Julie of Burgesville, Larry Nieske of Norwich and daughter-in-law Mary Hansford of Tillsonburg. Lovingly remembered by eight grandchildren, eleven great grandchildren and one great-great grandchild. Family and friends wree received at the Arn-Lockie Funeral Home, 45 Main Street West, Norwich ON Sunday, February 11, 2018, from 2 — 4 and 7 — 9, and Monday, February 12, 2018 from 10 -10:45. Funeral Service followed at the funeral home at 11 am. Spring interment at Milldale Cemetery. Memorial donations to Grace Baptist Church, Simcoe would be appreciated by the family. To KOUTSTAAL Sarah-Jane ~ To our deep sorrow, it has pleased the Lord to peacefully at home surrounded by her family, take to Himself our beloved mother, grandmother, sister, sister-in-law and aunt at the age of 59 on Monday, February 5, 2018. Beloved wife of the late John Koutstaal 2006. Loving mother of Beverly and Brian Boesterd, Mike and Corinne Koutstaal, Nancy and Jason Greenwood, Aaron Koutstaal, Ryan Koutstaal, Anthony and Ileya Koutstaal, Andrea Koutstaal and her friend Eric and Crystal and Nicholaas Cywink. Cherished grandmother of Andrew, Justin, Matthew, Emily, Sarah, Heather, Vanessa, Tamara, Samuel, Olivia, Ethan, Makayla, Soulton, Aidon, Kiydon, Meleena and Gabrielle. Predeceased by her parents Delton and Ruth Reibling. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Funeral service was held at the church at 11:00 a. Spring interment at the Quaker Cemetery. Donations in memory of Sarah-Jane, may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. Wallace was in his 83 rd year. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, ending a short, intense struggle with lung cancer. Wallace is survived by his much-beloved wife, Eleanor nee Frew ; daughter Donna Kennedy-Glans Laurie Glans , daughter Diane Dyment Dave Dyment , son A. Kennedy Michelle Truppe ; five grandchildren- Graydon Glans Renee Farrell , Mitchell Glans, Linda Hegedus Andrew Hegedus , Liam Glans and Paul Dyment; and one great-grandson, James Hegedus. Wallace was born on May 17 th, 1935, second son to Grace nee Elliott and Israel Almanzor Rianzi Kennedy, on the Kennedy family farm at the intersection of Otterville Road and Baseline Road. Wallace was predeceased by brother, Ronald, in 1990. Younger sister, Joyce Lockwood, lives in Vancouver with her husband David. Wallace and Eleanor were married on April 12 th, 1958. They raised dairy cattle, then beef cattle, at a family farm on Windham Road 5, near Bookton, from 1958 to 1990 when their farm was expropriated by Ontario Hydro. Wallace and Eleanor then moved to another family farm on Windham Road 6 where they grew cash crops including tobacco, then ginseng. He played baseball, football and hockey, and coached teams after he no longer played himself. He was an avid hunter, and particularly enjoyed deer hunting at Silverwater on Manitoulin Island. Wallace attended elementary school at a one-room schoolhouse in Bookton, where Margaret Ryder, his aunt, was the teacher. He went to Norwich High School. Family and friends will be received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON, 519-863-3020, on Tuesday from 6:30-8:30 pm and Wednesday from 10:00 — 10:45 a. Funeral service will be held at the funeral home on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 11:00 a. Pastor Alan Dowber to officiate. Wallace will be buried at Bookton Cemetery, with a reception to follow at Bookton Presbyterian Church. Wallace and Eleanor have been active members of Bookton Presbyterian Church for decades. Donations to this church are welcomed. As well, the Sakura House Hospice in Woodstock has been a kind and gentle place; donations to the hospice are also welcomed. To CATTELL HAROLD EDWARD ~ Suddenly, at his home, on Friday, February 2, 2018, in his 76 th year, Harold Cattell of Norwich. Predeceased by his parents Beverly and Juanita nee Freeman Cattell. Cherished brother of Lois and Dave Eaton; of Woodstock, Marie Hussey; of Tillsonburg, Bill Cattell; of Norwich, Fred Cattell; of Norwich, Donna Bennett; of Woodstock, Doug Cattell; of Norwich, Shirley and Larry Anderson; of Brantford and Dan Cattell; of Norwich. Predeceased by his brothers Larry and David. Harold will be missed by sister-in-law Pat, and many nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at the funeral home at 1 pm. Spring interment at the Burgessville Baptist Cemetery. Donations in memory of Harold, may be made to the charity of Choice. She left to join her loved ones in the house of God. Beloved wife of the late Marian Heleniak 1997. Loving mother of the late Richard 2005 and his wife Cheryl; of Burgessville, ON, John; of Norwich, ON, Stan and his wife Edith; of LaSalette, ON and Ron and his wife Joy; of LaSalette, ON. She will be missed by her great-grandchildren Olivia, Richard, Elizabeth, Vincent and Annabelle. Maria will be dearly missed by her sister Wanda Hamulecki and many nieces and nephews especially Danuta Wojtol. Predeceased by her parents Walter 1968 and Irene Cybulski 1981 , granddaughter Michelle Heleniak 2014 , sister Helen Dubas 2008 , brother-in-law Julius Dubas 1979 and brother-in-law Konstanty Hamulecki 1995. Maria came to Canada where she married and started Norwich Packers with her husband in 1954, which is still carried on by her sons. Maria was a member of St. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Friday, February 2, 2018 from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Parish prayers was recited at 6:30 pm. Mass of Christian Burial was at the St. Father Tom Ferrera officiating. Interment at the Tillsonburg Cemetery. Donations in memory of Maria, may be made to the St. To McLEES Gerald Edward Weston ~ Peacefully at his home, Woodstock, Ontario, on Sunday, January 28, 2018, in his 88th year. Loving husband of Marilyn Foy McLees, for 67 years. Predeceased by his parents Myrtle Annetta nee: Barnes and Edward Arnold McLees, sons James Scott 2008 and Steven Wayne 2014 and grandson Donald Mingle 1998. At Geralds request, a private family service will take place. Cremation will take place. Donations in memory of Gerald, may be made to the Canadian Lung Association. To STUBBS Muriel Aileen nee: Pash ~ Passed away after a brief illness in her 94 th year at Sakura House on Monday, January 29, 2018 with her loving family by her side. Predeceased by her husband Alf in 2002. Mother of Bill Sharon , Bob Deb , Barb Hall Don and Mark Nancy. Cherished grandmother of Melanie Hall Scott , Sarah Hamulecki Mark , Nathan Jade , Meghan Bari Bryan , Joel Allie , Scott Jenn and Craig Heather as well as her 8 great grandchildren. Predeceased by her parents William and Harriet Pash and her sisters Beatrice, Louise and Lily. Friends and family were received at the Arn-Lockie Funeral Home, 45 Main Street West, Norwich 519-863-3020, on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 from 7:00 to 9:00 p. Spring interment at the Norwich Cemetery. To FILIPOVITS Margaret ~ Peacefully, at the Tillsonburg Retirement Residence, on Wednesday, January 24, 2018, in her 91st year. Beloved wife of the late Frank Filipovits 1995. Loving mother of Margaret Bossy and her husband Mark, Teresa Moore and Rose Mary Sibley and her husband John. Cherished Oma of Heather Matt , Jennifer Cody , Jeff and Jason, and great Oma of Hadley, Daxton, Cooper and Imogen. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Friday, January 26, 2018 from 4-7 P. Mass of Christian Burial was at St. Father Tom Ferrera officiating. Interment at the Tillsonburg Cemetery. To MITCHELL Douglas Bryan ~ of Port Burwell and formerly of Norwich, passed away at his residence on Sunday, January 21, 2018 in his 62 nd year. Loving father of Jerremy and Tori; of Port Burwell. Dear brother of Murray Donna and Glen Mary ; both of Norwich. Also survived by a several nieces and nephews. Born in Woodstock, Ontario, on June 17, 1956. Son of the late Edmund and June Day Mitchell. Doug was a transport driver. He worked at the Tobacco Warehouse in Delhi and for Sonnyside Flowers. Family and friends will be received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Friday, January 26, 2018 from 10-11 A. Funeral service will be at 11 A. Cremation has taken place. Interment of cremated remains will be at the Burgessville Baptist Cemetery. Donations to the Diabetes Association would be appreciated. To McCLELLAND Barbara Ruth ~ Peacefully, on Sunday, January 14, 2018, in her 82nd year, at the Second Trails Care Community, Ingersoll, ON. Beloved wife of the late Bill McClelland 2014. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Saturday, January 20, 2018 from 10 — 11 a. Reverend Lola Mather-Dyer officiated. Spring interment at the Norwich Cemetery. To WILLS David Lloyd ~ Peacefully, at Sakura House on Thursday, January 11, 2018, Dave lost his courageous battle with cancer at the age of 72 years. Dave was a Civil Engineer and had a long career as a truck driver. But his love was farming as he farmed for many years on the family farm north of Burgessville. Funeral service was held at the Norwich United Church, 80 Main St. Spring Interment in the Burgessville Baptist Cemetery. Donations to Sakura House, Woodstock Hospital Foundation or the London Regional Cancer Centre would be appreciated by the family. Beloved husband of Hendrika nee Byl. Loving father of Adrian Lobbezoo and his wife Neeltje; of Woodstock, ON, Leonard Lobbezoo and his wife Carollee; of Woodstock, ON, Marsha Moens and her husband Alex; of Chilliwack, B. Cherished by his 16 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren and a great-great-grandchild. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Thursday, January 4, 2018 from 2-4 and 7-9 p. Funeral service was at 11 a. Interment at the Otterville Cemetery. No flowers, donations in memory of John, may be made to the charity of choice. To LEE David Joseph ~ Peacefully, at the Norfolk General Hospital, on Monday, January 1, 2018 in his 82nd year. Loving father of Mary Ellen and her husband Bill Jr. Hajdu and David Lee and his wife Ghada. Cherished by his 4 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Survived by his brother Virgil John Lee and his wife Susan, many nieces and nephews. Arrangements entrusted to the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 519-863-3020. Cremation taken place, with a private family service at a later date. Donations in memory of Joe, may be made to the charity of choice. God saw you getting tired. God's Garden must be beautiful, he only takes the best. To BATES Bill ~ Suddenly passing on his way to his winter home in Florida, on Tuesday, December 26, 2017, in Athens, Tennessee, in his 76 th year. Beloved husband to Nancy Butcher. Loving father of Kelly Chapman Tom Grygorcewicz and Kris VanWilligen Gilbert Powless. Cherished papa of Kelsey Watts Andrew , Tanner Chapman Megan Opersko , Laikin James Dronfield and Cooper VanWilligen. Adoring great pa of Genevieve Watts. Step-father to Tonia Daniels Dave and Kym Cope Steve. Bill will be dearly missed by Braeden, Logan, Jordan and Alex. Survived by his brothers Jack Donna and Barry Nancy Bates; sisters Marilyn Rogers, Barb Earl Lee, Nancy Grant McCurdy and many nieces and nephews. Predeceased by his parents Thomas and Yvonne Bates and son Billy. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Friday, December 29, 2017 from 7- 9 p. A celebration of life to follow at 2pm at the Royal Canadian Legion — Branch 190, 55 Stover Street, Norwich, ON. Donations in memory of Bill, may be made to the Huntington Society of Canada, Sakura House or the Canadian Cancer Society. To ORMEROD Violet ~ Peacefully, on Tuesday, December 26, 2017, at the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital, in her 90 th year, Violet Ormerod. Loving mother of Gary and his wife Vickie, Judy Nelles and Robert Freeland, Betty and her husband Don Kelly, Linda Pratt, Pat and her husband Peter Boesterd, Karen Gaulin and Albert Duquette, Lori and her husband James Smith and Kim and her husband Gary Nethercott. Violet was cherished by her 15 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren and 4 great-great grandchildren. Survived by her sister-in- law Joan Hunsley. Predeceased by her son Lloyd, son-in-law Wayne Pratt, sisters Lela Blackmore, Neva Mason and her brother Darell Hunsley. Arrangements entrusted to the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME 519-863-3020. Private family services will take place, with a spring interment at the Delmer Cemetery. Donations in memory of Violet, may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Delmer Cemetery Board. John was dearly loved by his wife Cornelia; and sons Ben Natasha , Jonathan Sibylle Van Pelt and daughter Rebecca Dallas Vermeersch. Cherished by his grandchildren Clarissa, Ashley, Cassandra, Allison, Austin, Isabella, Anabelle, Heidi, Amelia, Jonas, Nathaniel, Josiah and Melanie. Survived by his brothers Mark Joanne , Wally Jan and Ed Angela Van Pelt. Dearly missed by his mother-in-law Anna Barendrecht, all his bother-in-laws, sister-in-laws, many nieces and nephews and friends. He touched many by his kindness and personable character. He will be truly missed by many. Funeral service was held at the church on Thursday, December 28, 2017 at 10:30, D. Spring interment at the Norwich Cemetery. No flowers, donations in memory of John, may be made to the charity of choice. Arrangements entrusted to the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME -519-863-3020. To KRANENDONK Johanna ~ Peacefully, at Bethany Care Home on Tuesday, December 19, 2017, Johanna Dina Kranendonk Roest of Norwich in her 102 nd year. Beloved wife of the late Hugo Kranendonk 2000. Dear mother of Janny and husband Evert vanden Broek of Alberta, Dick and wife Henny of Hamilton, Keith and wife Janny of Norwich, Simon and wife Henny of Ancaster and Tony and wife Margo of Jerseyville. She will be sadly missed by her 44 grandchildren, 124 great grandchildren and 15 great great grandchildren. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON, on Friday, December 22, 2017 from 7-9 P. Funeral service was held at the RCNA — Otterville, at 11 A. Reverend David Kranendonk to officiate. Interment at the Burgessville Baptist Cemetery. No flowers, donations in memory of Johanna, may be made to the charity of choice. To McSPADDEN Elsie Marie ~ passed away on Monday, December 4, 2017 at Sakura House. She was the eldest of nine children born to Porter and Mary Dennis on January 9, 1920 at their farm near Walton, Ontario. Following Elsie in order were: Florence, Grace, Helen, Elnor, Ruth, Murray, Don and Grant. Of these she is survived only by her sister Ruth Rowe and her brother Murray Dennis. Elsie approached life with joy, curiosity and confidence. At 21, she married Samuel Arthur McSpadden, truly the love of her life and together, they raised a family of four: Dennis, Douglas, Marlene and Karen. She was predeceased first by her son Dennis Irene Tam then by Sam on New Years Day 1998 and shortly after by Doug Kerry Cruikshank. Elsie felt blessed to have both Marlene Rick Harper and Karen McSpadden Dan Cohoe living so close by and ready to help her in every way! Her deep faith fueled her love for life as she continued to make new friends, discover new information, master new technology and entertain with her accordion, harmonica and stories. She is survived by six beloved grandchildren: Melanie and Chris Harper, Sean Kathy and Nicole McSpadden, Rebecca Ian Murphy and Andrew Cohoe Kristy Esseltine. At the ripe old age of 92 she was delighted to first become a great grandma to Lizzie, followed by sisters Annie and Estelle McSpadden and Bridget Cohoe Murphy. She will be missed by numerous nieces and nephews as well as those many friends she cherished. Her life was celebrated at a service lead by Pastor Christina Crawford at the Norwich United Church on Saturday, December 9, at 11:00 am. Visitation was on Friday, December 8 at Arn-Lockie Funeral Home, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, from 2:00 till 4:00 pm and also from 7:00 pm till 9:00 pm as well as from 10:00 till 11:00 on December 9 at Norwich United Church, 28 Main Street West, Norwich, ON. In lieu of flowers, donations in her memory may be made to the Otterville United Church, Sakura House or to the charity of your choice. Loving son of Inez Ryckman. Survived by his brother Robert Norma Sprague, Nancy Dan Barnim and Lisa Troy Sprague. LION was cherished by his 6 nieces, nephews and extended family. Predeceased by his father Robert and step-father Bruce. Family and friends will be received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, on Monday, December 4, 2017 from 6 — 8 p. Cremation will have taken place. Donations in memory of Lion, may be made to the Woodstock General Hospital or the Canadian Cancer Society. To HARRISON Betty ~ Peacefully surrounded by her family, at the Maple Manor Nursing Home, Tillsonburg; on Wednesday, November 29, 2017, Betty Harrison, formerly of Norwich, in her 86 th year. Beloved wife and best friend of the late Richard Harrison 2010 for 60 years. Dear mother of Sue Deconinck and her husband Ron; of Norwich, Mark and his wife Mary Jo; of London, Lynn Bickell and her husband Kevin; of Norwich and Kevin and his wife Tracey; of Norwich. She will be sadly missed by her 12 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. Survived by her brothers Ernie, Art and Don Bruce. Predeceased by her brothers Jim and John Bruce. Family and friends will be received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, On 519-863-3020, on Saturday, December 2, 2017 from 12-1 P. Funeral service will be held at the funeral home at 1 P. Cremation will have taken place. In memory of Betty, memorial donations to the Sakura House, would be appreciated. To ROCKEFELLER Shelley ~ Lost at once, on Tuesday, November 14, 2017, a mother, sister, wife, grandma, aunt, daughter and friend. Shelley Rockefeller nee Fallowfield has gone to her rest. Loving partner of Terry Thain. Daughter of the late Joan 2009 and Pierre Pinnoy and Ron Fallowfield Linda. Loving mother of Bryan Sweazey Rossilind , Amanda Porter Guss , Richard Tovey and David Rockefeller. Loving grandmother to Farrah, Marla, and Hailey. Special friend to Jessica Thain, and meemah to Layla, Aubrey and A. Survived by sister Kim Fallowfield, Marty Marcie , Shawn Kelly and Rob Heidi. Survived by nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Funeral service was held at the funeral home on Friday, November 17, 2017 at 11 a. Interment at the Otterville Cemetery. Loving father of Harry and his wife Alice; Lethbridge, Alberta, Alice and her husband Wim Klyn; Burgessville, ON, Peter and his wife Anja; Burgessville, ON, Christine and her husband Nick Stam; Notre Dame, New Brunswick, Nelly and her husband Wim Van Leeuwen; Norwich, ON, Elizabeth and her husband Pieter Stam; Burgessville, ON, Robert and his wife Lisa; Otterville, ON and Jim and his wife Theodora; Burgessville, ON. Cherished by his 56 grandchildren and many great-grandchildren. Predeceased by his great-grandchildren Lauren MacRobbie 2016 and Justin Klyn 2016. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON, on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 from 2 — 4 and 7- 9 p. No public visitation prior to the service. Funeral service was held at the Heritage Reformed Congregation, 685 Main Street South, Burgessville, ON, on Thursday, November 9, 2017, at 1:30 p. Interment at the Burgessville Baptist Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Arie may be made to Parkinson Canada or Voice of the Martyrs. To NICKERSON RICK ~ Peacefully, at the Sakura House, Woodstock, ON, on Sunday, October 29, 2017, in his 65 th year. Loving father of Heather Paul Mott, Rhonda, and Robert Nickerson. Survived by his mother Betty Porchak; sisters Linda Pinchak, Margaret Cole and brother Gary Cindy Nickerson. Rick will be dearly missed by his nieces, nephews, and extended family. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON — 519-863-3020, on Thursday, November 2, 2017 from 11 — 12:45 p. Funeral service was held at the funeral home at 1 p. To BLAKELY TOM ~ Peacefully, with his family at his side, at the Woodstock General Hospital, on Friday, October 27, 2017, in his 83 rd year. Beloved husband to Shirley Pullin nee Stevens. Loving father of Sharol, Norman and Steven Wendy Blakely; Richard Suchat and Wayne Connie Pullin, Nancy Steven Lowes and Wendy Bennett. Cherished by his 14 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. Survived by his sisters Murial Carl York, Verma Bill Beeforth and brother Ronald Lynn Blakely. Predeceased by his brothers James, Harold and sister Marie McMichael. Tom worked at Newport Heating in Woodstock, before joining the Oxford County Board of Education. He enjoyed hunting and nature, as raising canaries became a passion, as well as woodworking. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Thursday, November 2, 2017 from 7-9 p. Funeral service was held at the funeral home, at 11 a. Cremation has taken place. To GOLE Terry ~ Suddenly, at the Victoria Hospital, London, ON, on Friday, October 20, 2017, in his 64 th year, Terry Gole. Beloved husband of Julia nee Anderson. Loving father of Terrance Bridget and Patricia Christopher Gole. Cherished by his grandchildren Cameron, Brooklyn, Tiarnan, Owain and Viola. Survived by his siblings Robert Gole Sr. Predeceased by his parents Marg and Russ, and brother William Gole. Family and friends were welcomed to the Royal Canadian Legion — Branch 190, 55 Stover Street South, Norwich, ON, on Saturday, October 28, 2017, from 1 — 4 p. Cremation has taken place. Donations in memory of Terry, may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society, gratefully appreciated. To ROBINSON Darlene ~ Suddenly, at the Woodstock General Hospital, on Friday, October 20, 2017, in her 59th year, Darlene Robinson. Loving daughter of the late Betty and Ralph Mason. Cherished sister of Debra Losee, Kenneth Mason and Sheila Dave Henderson. Cherished by her nephew Corey Henderson. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON, on Friday, October 27, 2017 from 10 — 10:45 a. A funeral service was held at 11 am at the funeral home. Pastor Simeon Oram and Pastor Allan Burr to officiate. Cremation has taken place. To Dykstra Garry ~ Peacefully, with his family at his side, on Wednesday, October 4, 2017, in his 84 th year. Beloved husband of Betty nee Andrews. Loving father of Gerry Dykstra and his wife Brenda, of Norwich; Janet-Lynn Dykstra and her friend Jackie, of England; Brian Dykstra and his wife Vicki, of Norwich; and Lorri-Ann Horton and her husband Shawn, of Woodstock. Cherished by his grandchildren Stephanie Paul , Brianna Josh , Katie, Noah and Lucas and 8 great-grandchildren. Survived by sister Akke Fiode and her husband Barend and brother Evert Dykstra and his wife Emie, of Netherlands and many nieces and nephews. Funeral service at the funeral home, was held Saturday, October 7, 2017 at 11 am. Interment service at the Norwich Cemetery. Donations in memory of Garry, may be made to the Camp Trillium - Rainbow Lake or the Alzheimer Society - Oxford, gratefully appreciated. To LEARN Max Wilson Eugene ~ Passed away peacefully with family at his side on Sunday, September 24, 2017 at the Woodstock Hospital in his 98 th year. Beloved husband of the late Grace Learn 2015. Dear father of Karen Grant Hughes, of Milton; Richard Marlene Learn, of Norwich; Janice Mike Rayner, of Waterdown; and Pam George Hanufer, of Delhi. He was cherished by his 12 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. Max was the last surviving member of his family and was predeceased by his parents Gordon and Pearl Learn, 7 brothers, 2 sisters and their spouses and son-in-law, Brian Hutchinson. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON, 519-863-3020, on Thursday, September 28, 2017 from 4 — 8 pm and Friday, September 29, 2017 10 — 10:45 a. Interment did follow at the Norwich Cemetery. Donations in memory of Max, may be made to the Newark United Church or Camp Trillium-Rainbow Lake. To DOUGHERTY Daryl Lawrence ~ Suddenly, as a result of an automobile accident, on Thursday, September 21, 2017, in his 47 th year. Loving son of Helen and the late Lawrence Dougherty. Survived by his brothers Geoff and Matt and his wife Shelley; and sister Sarah and her husband Brad Moye. Cherished uncle to Grace and Beatrice. Daryl will be dearly missed by Darwin, Gary, Jim, John Hill and many extended family and friends. Family and friends were received at the Norwich United Church, 28 Main Street West, Norwich, ON, on Saturday, September 30, 2017 from 9:30 — 11:30 a. Memorial service was held at the church, at 11:30a. Reverend Sydney Elias to officiate. Reception followed the service in the church hall. Following the reception, a celebration of life, was at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 190, 55 Stover street at 3 p. Cremation has taken place. Donations in memory of Daryl, may be made to the Ducks Unlimited or the Norwich United Church. To PFEIL Marc Charles ~ Suddenly, on Tuesday, September 19, 2017, in his 53 rd year. Beloved husband of Alda Hutchinson. Loving father of Kristopher. Survived by his brother Scott and Cindy Pfeil. Predeceased by his parents Donald and Pauline Pfeil and son William. Marc will be dearly missed, and loved by many family and friends. Arrangements entrusted to the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 519-863-3020. Cremation has taken place. To STOVER Harold Webb ~ Peacefully, at the Woodstock General Hospital, on Tuesday, September 12, 2017, in his 89 th year, of RR 3 Norwich, Ontario. Loving husband to Helen Stover nee Cowing. Survived by many nieces and nephews. Harold was the machinery manager at the Norwich U. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Thursday, September 14, 2017 from 1:30 — 2:00 pm. A funeral service was at the funeral home. Reverend Sydney Elias to officiate. Interment at the Norwich Cemetery. Donations in memory of Harold, to the Norwich District Archive, would be appreciated. To van de Pol Gerrit ~ To our deep sorrow, it has pleased the Lord, to take out of our midst, my caring husband, our father, grandfather, brother, brother-in-law and uncle at the age of 75, on September 10, 2017. Beloved husband of Catharina. Loving father of Wilma Klyn and her husband Henk, Anja Sullivan and her husband Dave, Tinie Sandham and her husband Dan, Gerrit Vandepol, Jose Wall and her husband John, Arend Vandepol and his wife Dinie and Teunis Vandepol and his wife Evelyn. Cherished by his grandchildren. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON, on Wednesday, September 13, 2017 from 7- 9 p. Funeral service was held at the REFORMED CONGREGATION of NORTH AMERICA, 318 Main Street West, Otterville, ON, on Thursday, September 14, 2017, at 10:30 a. Interment at the Springford Cemetery. Beloved husband of Gail. Loving father of Brandon and Darby McFadden and her husband Bob. Poppa Cactus is cherished by his grandchildren Dominick, Aylah and Nash. Survived by his mother Gladys Underhill and sister Heather Gamble and her husband Dan. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Wednesday, August 30, 2017 from 1 — 4 p. Donations in memory of Cactus, may be made to the Salvation Army or the Royal Canadian Legion — Branch 190, gratefully appreciated. To BUCKRELL Ruby Irene ~ Peacefully, returned to her Lord, on August 23, 2017 at Trillium Christian Retirement Home, in her 94th year. Dear mother of Allan Buckrell and his wife Diane; of Norwich. Survived by sister-in-law, Olive Thorne and many nieces and nephews. Predeceased by husband Maurice, daughter Muriel, step sister Helen Hardy, and step brothers Walter, Ira, Eddie, Murray and Harry Thorne, brothers-in-law Wilfred, Fred, Phillip, Les and sisters-in-law Maisie, Maida and Joy and their respective spouses. Friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich 519-863-3020 on Saturday, August 26, 2017 from 10:30 — 11:15 a. Burial did follow at the Burgessville Baptist Church Cemetery. Donations to the Norwich Historical Society would be gratefully acknowledged by the family. To MOSES Ernie ~ Peacefully, at the Woodstock Hospital, on Friday, August 18, 2017, in his 95 th year. Survived by his brother Joe Moses and his wife Joan, of Woodstock. Cherished by his nephews Richard, David; nieces Cheryl and Deanna. Predeceased by his parents Joseph and Ellen Moses; brothers Sidney, Henry, Groves, James Moses and sister Mary Aziz. Ernie was a veteran of the Royal Canadian Air Force, serving in WWII. Was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion — Branch 55. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519 863-3020, for a funeral service, on Thursday, August 24, 2017, at 11:00 a. Following the service, everyone was invited to the Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 190 for a reception. Private interment at the C. Donations in memory of Ernie, may be made to the Charity of choice. To SACKRIDER Nancy ~ After her courageous battle with cancer, it is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Nancy Sackrider, on August 7, 2017, at Tillsonburg Hospital in her 75 th year, surrounded by her loving family. Beloved wife of the late Ralph Sackrider 1981. Loving mother to Bill Sackrider Michelle , Rita Grevers Gerald and Elizabeth Marescotto Andrew. Cherished by her grandchildren Heidi Andrew , Kelly, Luke Tracy , Jim and Bridget, and great-grandchildren Jeremy, Charlie and Liam. Predeceased by her parents Maxwell and Ethel McCready. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON, on Wednesday August 9 th from 7 — 9 pm and Thursday August 10 th at 10 — 10:45 am. A funeral service was held Thursday, August 10, 2017 at 11 am at the funeral home. Pastor Ron Germain officiated. Interment at the Kelvin Cemetery. Donations in memory of Nancy, may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Tillsonburg Hospital. To MASON Ralph ~ Suddenly, at the Woodstock General Hospital, on Monday, August 7, 2017, in his 87 th year, Ralph Mason. Beloved husband of the late Betty Mason. Loving Father of Debra the late Jim Losee, Kenneth Mason, Darlene Robinson and Sheila Dave Henderson. Cherished by his grandson Corey Henderson. Ralph was an active member of the Norwich Baptist Church for many years. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON, on Friday, August 11, 2017 from 10 — 10:45 a. A funeral service was held at 11 am at the funeral home. Pastor Allan Burr officiated. Interment at the Otterville Cemetery. Donations in memory of Ralph, may be made to the Norwich Baptist Church. To MASON Betty ~ Suddenly, at the Stratford General Hospital, on Wednesday, July 12, 2017, in her 81 st year, Betty Mason. Beloved wife of Ralph Mason. Loving mother of Debra the late Jim Losee, Kenneth Mason, Darlene Robinson and Sheila Dave Henderson. Cherished by her grandson Corey Henderson. Betty attended the Norwich Baptist Church. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON, on Saturday, July 15, 2017 from 10 — 10:45 a. A funeral service was held at 11 am at the funeral home. Pastor Allan Burr officiated. Interment at the Otterville Cemetery. Donations in memory of Betty, may be made to the Norwich Baptist Church. To VANDEN BRINK Neil ~ It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Neil Vanden Brink, of Otterville, in his 54 th year, after a courageous battle with cancer at the Woodstock General Hospital on Wednesday, June 21 st, 2017. Caring and beloved husband of Marlene VandenBrink DenDekker. Dear father of Neil Ayden and Evan , Camelia and her husband Adrian Tod, Calvin, Michael and Rachel. Cherished son-in-law of Andy and Dorothy Den Dekker. Dear brother of Marguerite and the late Rene, Henry, Aleta and Terry, Gary-John and Vicky, James and Tammy and brother-in-law of Ken and Elly, Derek and Jackie, Darrell and Christine, Ryan and Corinna, Jason and Sherry, Brad and Janelle. Predeceased by his parents Henry and Jane Vanden Brink. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations to the Bethany Care Home-Norwich or the Act Now for Cancer, gratefully appreciated. To KRYGSMAN Peter ~ To our deep sorrow, it has pleased the Lord, to take out of our midst, our beloved and caring husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother, brother-in-law and uncle in his 72nd year on Wednesday, June 14, 2017. Beloved husband of Betty Krygsman Veenstra. Dear father of Julie and John Nieuwenhuis, of Otterville, ON; Gerald and Hilde Krygsman, of Norwich, ON; Joyce and Jerry Van Leeuwen, of Norwich, ON; Lisabeth and Ken Butyn, of Otterville, ON; the late Wilma and Dave Nevill, of Vienna, ON; Gary and Jessica Krygsman, Norwich, ON; June and Dirk Byers, of Otterville, ON; Peter and Stacy Krygsman, of Norwich, ON; Andrew and Willemieke Krygsman, of Norwich, ON; Anna and Dwayne Van Harberden, of Norwich, ON; and Paul and Beverly Krygsman, of Chillliwack, B. Dearly missed by 45 grandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren, 2 brothers and sisters-in-law and also 3 brothers-and-sisters-in-laws. Predeceased by daughter Wilma 2010 , granddaughter Kathleen 2000 and brother Gary 1963. Funeral Service was held on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 10:30 a. Interment to at the Norwich Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Bethany Care Home of Norwich. To STRATFORD Burnley Sr. ~ Surrounded by his family, at his residence at Woodingford Lodge in Tillsonburg, on Saturday, June 10, 2017, at the age of 91 years. Husband of Maybell nee Ryerse. Cherished father of Colleen, Laurie and her husband Kerry Williams, Burnley Jr. Much loved by his grandchildren Brock and Samuel Edwards and Melanie Mueller Adam ; Vanessa Andrew Watts , Olivia, Valerie and Whitney Stratford; Ethan, Lauren and Liam Stratford. Cherished great grandpa to Mason and Marissa Edwards and their mother Becky. Dear brother of Mabel Nagle and brother-in-law of Herb Hamilton Ruth. Predeceased by his parents Clarence and Ora Stratford and brothers Donald Clara , Gordon Marion , Laurence Leona ; sister Norma Hamilton and brother-in-law Jim Nagle. Also missed by his many nieces and nephews. Burnley farmed all his life in Oakland, then Little Lake area. Burnley loved to laugh and spend time with family and friends. He was a man who loved his family dearly. Friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020 on Saturday, June 17, 2017 from 9:30 — 11:15 a. Funeral service was held at the funeral home at 11:30 a. A private family interment in Oakland Cemetery at a later date. To SNYDER Vivian ~ Peacefully, at the Sakura House, Woodstock, Ontario, on Saturday, June 10, 2017, in her 82 nd year. Beloved wife of the late William Snyder 1979. Loving mother of Nancy Kuney, of Woodstock and Robert Snyder and his wife Patricia, of North York. Cherished by her grandchildren Dean Kuney Stephanie , Holly Kitchen Brad , Brian Kuney, William and Josephine Snyder, and her 4 great-granddaughters. Family and friends were received at the FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, 97 Bidwell Street, Tillsonburg, Ontario, on Saturday, June 17, 2017 from 9:30-11a. Funeral service was at 11 am. Reverend Steven Amorin officiating. Interment at the Norwich Cemetery. Donations may be made to the Sakura House, in memory of Vivian. To PALMER Fanny Irene ~ Peacefully, at the Caressant Care Nursing Home, Woodstock, ON, on Tuesday, June 6, 2017, in her 98 th year. Beloved wife of the late Crawford Palmer 2007. Loving mother of Mary Ellen Baker, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, David and his wife Cheri, Woodstock, John and his wife Kathy, Norwich, Janice Ball and her husband Douglas, Bracebridge and Karen Palmer, London. Cherished by 9 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. Fanny will be missed by her sister-in-law Jean Palmer, and nieces and nephews. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, On, 519-863-3020, on Thursday from 7-9 p. Funeral service was held on Friday, June 9, 2017 at 11 a. Reverend Sydney Elias officiated. Interment at Norwich Cemetery. Donations to the Norwich United Church or the Woodstock General Hospital, appreciated. To BRIDGETT Dennis ~ Suddenly, at his home, on Sunday, May 28 th, 2017, in his 70 th year. Beloved husband of Gail nee Laekeman. Loving father of Shawn Wendy ,Tanya Martin and Chad Elaine. Cherished by his grand-children Courtney, Cory, Lyndsey, Holly, Hannah, Quinton, Delaney and great-grandchildren Owen, Seth, Brice and Kohen. Survived by his sisters Juanita Hugh Douglas and Kathy John Van Berlo. Predeceased by his parents Ruth and Charles and brother Blair Bridgett. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main street West, Norwich, ON, 519-863-3020 on Tuesday, May 30 th, 2017 from 1-2 p. A graveside service was at the Norwich Gore Cemetery. Donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or the London Health Science Centre. To McMILLEN Edward ~ Suddenly, at his residence in London, Ontario, on Thursday, May 11, 2017, in his 68 th year. Loving father of Vincent Victoria and Renee McMillen. Survived by his mother Lou McNeal and sister Shirley Art Easey. Cherished uncle to Tim Mary Ellen Thompson, Ken Thompson and Angeli Jason Thompson-Ford. Predeceased by his wife Diane and father Bill McMillen. Family and friends were received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main street West, Norwich, ON, 519-863-3020 on Thursday, May 18 th, 2017 from 2-3 pm. A celebration of life was held in the funeral home at 3 pm. Cremation did take place. Donations may be made to the David Suzuki foundation. To Pathy William ~ Peacefully, with his family by his side, on Monday, May 8, 2017 in his 86 th year. Beloved husband to Anna nee: Klem. Loving father of David and his wife Hetty, of Tillsonburg; John and his wife Natasha, of Simcoe; and Randy and his wife Anabella, of Norwich. Cherished grandpa of Trisha, Christopher, Jennifer, Anatasia, Anthony, Joseph and Grace. Survived by his brothers John Helen , Robert Judy and sisters Hilda, Helen, Margaret Gord , Emma, Wilma and Jeannie. Bill will be dearly missed by many nieces, nephews and extended family. Predeceased by his sister Edna. Funeral service followed in the funeral home, at 11:00 am. Interment at the Norwich Cemetery. To HAJDU Carol ~ It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Carol Hajdu on Saturday, April 29, 2017 in her 79 th year. She leaves behind her husband Bill of 59 years. Proud mother of Deb Les Schultz, Sherry Norm Larocque and Bill Mel Hajdu. Great grandmother of Avery, Liam and Colsen DeWaele. Predeceased by her parents and grandson William Billy Michael Hajdu. She will fondly be remembered by extended family and many friends. Friends and family were received at the Arn-Lockie Funeral Home, Norwich, ON, 45 Main Street West, 519-863-3020 on Tuesday, May 2, 2017 from 11:00 am — 1:30 pm. Funeral service followed at 1:30 pm. Interment at New Durham Cemetery. Celebration of life to follow at Norwich United Church at approximately 3 p. To LAEKEMAN Lorraine ~ Peacefully, with family at her side, at Woodstock Hospital, on Sunday, April 23, 2017 in her 80th year. Loving mother of Joanne, Valerie Ted , Belinda, Trudy, Michael, Sheri Marie Thibeault and Vicki Steve. Cherished grandmother of Steve Kari , Jeremy Sarah , Aaron, Sarah, Rhiannon Vincent , Kevin Jody , David Nicole , Kristopher Tracy , Danielle Taylor , Taylor, Derek, Dylan Chelsey and William. Great-grandmother of Michael, Tyrone, Sara, Steven and Spencer. Lorriane will be missed by companion Robert, and her best and loyal four legged friends Milo and Benji. A celebration of life was held at the ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, Branch 190, 55 Stover Street South, Norwich, ON, on Saturday, April 29, 2017 from 1 — 5 p. A light lunch was served. Arrangements entrusted to the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME. Donations may be made to the Oxford County Humane Society. To ASHCROFT Rosalee ~ Peacefully, on Sunday, April 23, 2017, at the Tillsonburg Hospital, in her 85 th year. Beloved wife of Bruce Ashcroft. Loving mother to Sandra and Tony Tanghe and furry grand baby Pocus, of Delhi; step-children Robert and Stella Ashcroft,of St. Thomas; Barbara and Murray Luxon, Millgrove; Beckie and Steve Wheaton, of Milton; Brian Ashcroft and partner Cathie Robitaille, of Waterdown; and niece Diane and Larry Woodhouse. Cherished grandmother of Tiffany, Kenneth, Tammy, Brett, Gregory, Lee-Ann, Heather and Sarah. Rosalee will be dearly missed by her many great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, son-in-law Jim Riddell and step daughter Mary Lou Ashcroft. Pre-deceased by her parents Henry and Daisy Ash, step daughter Carol Riddell, grandson Christopher Ashcroft, sisters Marion and Ross Chambers, Joan and Glen Avey and brother Henry Ash. Funeral service was held in the funeral home on Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 11 am. Reception will follow at the Norwich United Church. Interment to follow at the Delhi Cemetery. To RYKSEN Geurt ~ To our deep sorrow, it has pleased the Lord, to take out of our midst, after a lengthy battle, our caring father, grandfather, brother, brother-in-law and uncle at the age of 76, on April 18, 2017. Beloved husband of the late Corrie Ryksen 1979. Loving father of Connie Larry , Anita Paul , Jerry and Randy Bianca Ryksen. Cherished grandfather of Justin, Brendan, Grady and Ramsay. Geurt will be dearly missed by his siblings Maria VanRavenswaay and her husband Richard, John Ryksen and his wife Wympje and Rika Jansen and her husband John. Sadly, missed by brother and sister-in-laws, nieces and nephews. Family and friends wree received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON, on Friday, April 21, 2017 from 2 — 4 and 7- 9 p. Funeral service was held at the NETHERLANDS REFORMED CONGREGATION, 43 Main Street East, Norwich, ON, on April 22, 2017, at 10:30 a. Interment at the Norwich Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Geurt, may be made to the Charity of choice. To WALKER Kay ~ Peacefully, at the Tillsonburg District Hospital, on Tuesday, April 11, 2017, in her 99 th year, Kay Walker. Beloved wife of the late Gordon Walker. Cherished by Carol and Stan Butler, of Brockville; Jim and Michelle Miles, of Norwich; Earl Clayton, of Woodstock; Ralph and Shirley Clayton, of Ridgetown; and Violet Gill, of Dorchester. Predeceased by her brothers and sister-in-laws Stewart and Jean Miles and Lloyd and Evie Miles. Kay was an avid card player, was a member of the Tillsonburg Bridge Club, and enjoyed playing cards at the Norwich Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 190. Kay was a loyal fan, and loved her Toronto Blue Jays. Family and friends will be received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Saturday, April 15, 2017 from 10 — 11 a. Funeral service will follow at 11 a. Reverend Sydney Elias to officiate. Interment at the C. Walker Cemetery — Quaker Street. Donations may be made in memory of Kay, to the Camp Trillium — Rainbow Lake. To DAVIS Shirley Ann ~ Peacefully, at the Caressant Care Nursing Home, Woodstock, ON on Tuesday, April 4, 2017, in her 82 nd year. Beloved wife of the late Glen Davis. Loving mother of Debbie Lemay Gord , Cheryl Bailey Brian , Karen Brisbin Dan , John Macklin Monica and Jim Davis. Cherished by 6 grandchildren; Jacqueline, Katrina Scott , Andrew, Sarah, Kaitlyn, David and 3 great-grandchildren; Kayleb, Kolby and Sadie May. Survived by her brothers Doug and John and sisters Jean, Betty and Mary. Family and friends will be received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Monday, April 10, 2017 from 12 — 1:45 p. Funeral service will be held at the funeral home at 2 p. Interment at the Otterville Cemetery. Donations in memory of Shirley, may be made to the Helping Hand Food Bank in Tillsonburg, where she actively volunteered for 10 years. Please contact funeral home, to make this donation. To HARRIS James Edward ~ passed away peacefully at home, with his family at his side, on Tuesday, April 4, 2017. He is survived by his wife and soulmate, Joan Nee Fidlin of 58 years. Loving father of Jamie and Susan, of Courtenay, B. Cherished grandfather of Blake and Derek Jensen, of Waterloo; and Stephen, of Courtenay, B. Also survived by his sister-in-law, Gladys Harris. Predeceased by his sisters Norma and Rosemary, and brothers Jack, Freddie, Clair and Bob Harris. Jim served 34 years in the RCAF, serving on many bases across Canada, as well as a tour with NATO, in Egypt. He also did two tours in Europe, with AFCENT, in Holland and France. Upon retirement from the RCAF, Jim worked at Canada Post, as the Area Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor, for the Kitchener-Waterloo area. He loved hockey, golf and curling, as well as watching his grandsons play hockey and lacrosse. We can never thank Suzanne Christo enough for the past five years of wonderful care, compassion and friendship. Also thanks to Dr. Collins for her excellent care and compassion and Sean for his help and care these past few months. Family and friends will be received at the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME, 45 Main Street West, Norwich, ON 519-863-3020, on Saturday, April 8 th, 2017 from 1-2 pm. A memorial service will be held at the funeral home at 2 pm. Reverend Larry Brown to officiate. Cremation has taken place. To BOON Gerrit George ~ Peacefully, at the Trillium Christian Retirement Home, on Friday, March 24, 2017, in his 83rd year. Beloved husband of the late Eva nee Byl. Dear father of Glenda and husband Martin Vlietstra, of Missouri; Albert and wife Rita, of Alberta; Wilfred and wife Wilma, of Norwich; Madelyn and husband Jake Rozendaal, of Alberta; and Tom and wife Stella, of Burgessville. He will be missed by his 40 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. Predeceased by one grandchild. Family and friends will be received at the Netherlands Reformed Congregation, 49 Main Street East, Norwich, ON, on Tuesday 2 — 4 and 7 — 9 pm and Wednesday from 9:30 — 10:15 a. Funeral service will be held in the church on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at 10:30 a. Hakvoort to officiate, D. Interment at Norwich Cemetery, at a later date. Arrangements entrusted to the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME,519-863-3020. Online condolences may be made at www. Arrangements entrusted to the ARN-LOCKIE FUNERAL HOME in Norwich. Cremation has taken place and a private family service will be held at a later date. To Van GINKEL Hendrik ~ To our deep sorrow, it has pleased the Lord to take out of our midst, at his home, our beloved husband, dear father, father-in-law, grandfather, brother, brother-in-law and uncle. Hendrik Van Ginkel of Norwich, in his 69 th year. On Friday, March 10, 2017. Beloved husband of Evertje Van Ginkel nee Van De Goor. Dear father of Jan and Janey Van Ginkel; of Norwich, Bertha and Jacob Van Laar; of Burgessville, Aline and Gert Van Oort; of Burgessville, Henk and Carina Van Ginkel; of Norwich, Evelien and Rijk Arends; of the Netherlands, Annette and Gijs Ruiter; of Norwich and Jorden and Lianne Van Ginkel; of Tillsonburg. Opa to 33 grandchildren. Survived by his brother Ben and sisters To, Alie, Jannie, Aartje, Marie, Corrie and Ans; of the Netherlands and Dina; of Oxford Centre. Predeceased by his parents Jan and Aaltje Van Ginkel, brothers Jan, Kees, Arie, Aart and sisters Carla, Antje and Hennie. Funeral Service was held at the church, on Thursday, March 16 th, 2017 at 11 a. Interment at the Springford Cemetery.
Sugar: The Bitter Truth
Cherished by her grandchildren Heidi Andrew , Kelly, Luke Tracy , Jim and Bridget, and great-grandchildren Jeremy, Charlie and Liam. Predeceased by his parents Donald and Pauline Pfeil and son William. Beloved husband of the late Violet nee Adams 2016. Cherished by Carol and Stan Butler, of Brockville; Jim and Michelle Miles, of Norwich; Earl Clayton, of Woodstock; Ralph and Shirley Clayton, of Ridgetown; and Violet Gill, of Dorchester. Online condolences may be made at www. Funeral Service was held at the church, on Thursday, March 16 th, 2017 at 11 a. Mass of Christian Burial was at the St. To BRIDGETT Dennis ~ Suddenly, at his home, on Sunday, May 28 th, 2017, in his 70 th year. Donations to the Diabetes Association would be appreciated. Also thanks to Dr. To LAEKEMAN Lorraine ~ Peacefully, with family at her side, at Woodstock Hospital, on Sunday, April 23, 2017 in her 80th year.
Onda se sagao poirisao i liznuo stolicu. PAR ILI AKTIVNOG PRIJATELJA DO 40 god. Samo dve žene su ispunile njegove kriterijume, a on se nada da će pronaći još jednu.
Stvar je u tome da decko mi ide uskoro za inostranstvo da radi na 3 meseca. Alis je savršena devojka. Zovem se Borna i imam 24 godine, iz Osijeka sam..
Moram ovako jer želim ostati anoniman.. - Lizi zatiče sebe kako ga prati u hotelsku sobu. Prednost imaju: vojnici, policajci poljuprivrednici.
Mislim da treba da se vidis sa njim, posmatras ga i saslusas analizirajuci, da bi razbila iluziju koju imas o njemu i shvatila ko je pored tebe, i ako se pomiris mozes da usporis niko te ne tera da se selis odmah , udajes ili sta vec i to za decka koji je upravo ubedio bivsu da abortira njegovo dete i to kao nista.. Sama ta situacija govori o njemu dosta a kakav je prema njoj sutra ce biti i prema tebi i svakoj sledecoj... Da je neki muskarac, prihvatio bi odgovornost nad tim detetom, ne bi bio izbezumnjen da li ce da ga zadrzi ili ne pa sav ponosan sto je abortirala,nego bi pustio zajedno da odluce, priznao ga i placao alimentaciju ne vezano sto sa njom vise nije nego je sa tobom ili nekom drugom Sutradan mi šalje poruku da se sa njom do jutra ubeđivao da abortira I da mu jako nedostajem. Deset dana nikakav kontakt I onda opet zove I šalje poruke, hoće da se vidimo I opet budemo zajedno, taj problem je rešio, bebe vise nema... Meni je tih par dana sa njim bilo jako lepo i zabavno, smejali smo se kao ludi i u kolima pevali. Ja sam neodlučna, muči me sumnja da li je cela priča istinita ili je on najobičniji šarlatan I budala. Ne vidim zasto bi morao da prihvata bilo kakvu odgovornost ako to ne zeli i zasto nema pravo d ase izjasni da je za abortus. Dete prave muskarac i zena i ta odluka je zajednicka. Ako je zeni dato pravo da odluci da li da zadrzi ili ne dete, treba i muskarcu da bude, a ne da bude ucenjivan. Ukoliko nije zeleo dete ima puno pravo na to, kao i zena koja ga ne zeli, a ne da ga on ne zeli pa da na kraju ima obavezu prema detetu koje nije zeleo i bude narvano proglasavan najvecim zlom na svetu. Ja se slazem s Alisom da odes i da se vidis sa njim, ali hladne glave i sa dozom predostroznosti. Mi ne znamo kako je on manipuliso i da li je manipulisao i ne znamo isto tako ni kakva je ta bivsa, pa ne vidim sto bi on odmah trebao da bude okarakterisan kao zlikovac. Nije se on sam sa sobom raspravljao. A kolikos ma shvatila ako je lepo rekao d aon nece dete, pa ona digla frku i napravila haos, en vidim drugaciju reakciju nego ubedjivanje zasto necu i ne zelim dete. Isto tako se moze reci i da je mozda ona njega htela da nahvata na bebu ili da ga ucenjuje. Ne znamo pricu celu, a ni aktere, da bi tako prelako osudili njega. Da mene ostavi muz i za dve nedelje nadje drugu, sigurno ne bih zelela njegovo dete, a ne ga jos zvala dok je na veceri sa drugom i nabijala mu to dete na nos. Mi žene smo solidarne, pa kada je neka trudna automatski smo na njenoj strani. Ali I tu ima manupulacija. Meni nije jasno zašto ga ta bivša nije od Nove godine zvala, nego kad je vreme odmaklo tek tada mu se javlja, znači pušta dva I po meseca da prođe I da bude trudna najmanje toliko. A on nije sa njom, kako sam razumela od Nove godine I možda stvarno hteo da započne novi život sa novom ženom. I sad je on gad jer ne želi dete sa ženom koju očito ne voli I sa kojom nije želeo život. Pa naravno da I on ima pravo da odluči šta dalje, ako je ona mogla tri meseca da ćuti I na kraju ga zaskoči, zašto on ne bi mogao da kaže da neće dete I nju?! Neće čovek, po meni je to poštenije nego foliranje. Jadno bi bilo dete tako rođeno, a jadan I takav brak. Ja bih njega ipak saslušala... Meni u ovoj prici nije problem ni trudna devojka, ni beba vec ovaj covek, deluje mi da s njim nesto nije kako treba. Svoje veze nikada nisam obnavljala bile su duge jer sam ubedjena da ako neko nije video za 2,3,4,5 godina da mu je sve to vreme, zapravo, bila sansa da bude sa mnom i ostvari lep odnos, da mi takva osoba nije potrebna.
Šapa u srcu - dog shelter
Samo dve žene su ispunile njegove kriterijume, a on se nada da će pronaći još jednu. A on nije sa njom, kako sam razumela od Nove godine I možda stvarno hteo da započne novi život sa novom ženom. Ne bi me cudilo da iste, traze savete po ovakvim forumima o zavodjenju, seksu pa i slanju fotografija. Da bi ubil nervozu pogleda la sam u telefon. Podrzala sam ga naravno, ali me zanima posto mi je ovo novo iskustvo, kako da se izborim sa tim? Trazi simpaticnog mladjeg muskarca od 25 do 36 radi sexa iz Bg-a. Onda je Cica sterilisana prosle godine i od tada pokusavam da joj nadjem dom. Naša čitalačka publika je imala prilike da se sretne sa još Seksi, uzbudljiva, erotska romansa za svaku ženu koja je maštala uz film Zgodna žena. Mislim da treba da se vidis sa njim, posmatras ga i saslusas analizirajuci, da bi razbila iluziju koju imas o njemu i shvatila ko je pored tebe, i ako se pomiris mozes da usporis niko te ne tera da se selis odmah , udajes ili sta vec i to za decka koji je upravo ubedio bivsu da abortira njegovo dete i to kao nista.. Matori nije bio mutav taacno je znao sta je. Vaši inozemstvo oglasi ili inostranstvo oglasi su potpuno besplatni i ovde se oglašavaju srpska dijaspora, bosanska dijaspora, hrvatska dijaspora i domovina.
Phasellus lacinia porta ante, a mollis risus et. ac varius odio. Nunc at est massa. Integer nis gravida libero dui, eget cursus erat iaculis ut. Proin a nisi bibendum, bibendum purus id, ultrices nisi.